Sunday, June 28, 2009

golpe de state and pueblo

Public participation in national governing decisions is ______. I so state this publicly to remind myself that there is no finite resolution to a political event such as a "golpe de estado" or military coup.

The finite is only the name of a person who claims to be in charge:
Honduran President Manuel Zelaya is not that person now. But we will be reminded that his name is Mel Zelaya over many days and that he should or should not be the president of Honduras.
The infinite challenge is establishing a government with leaders who embody a form of public representation that includes and requires the participation of society's most marginalized and least protected. Those voices, those interests, those stories are hidden beneath the dramatics and egos of Honduran politicians who have an awful record of standing with the material poor in their communities and fewer problems when it comes to favoring a wealthy elite. Sigh - a philosophical rant, it does nothing to inform but feels good to let go.

A short list of events from this morning : around 6:30am news reaches the general public that President Mel Zelaya has been sequestered by the military. Government television stations are calling for public demonstrations until electricity is turned off throughout the country. Families in urban areas rush to grocery stores to bolster their food supply. Rural Hondurans, who make up more than 60% of the population, either don't have electricity and/or are accustomed to such rolling blackouts and wait for news over the radio. Electricity returns mid-day and with it a Congressional session and press conference from President Zelaya who is in Costa Rica.

At least for now I'll refrain from making statements of judgement related to specific coupe events. But certainly, today was not an act of justice and equality for Honduran people. Fear and force are the law today.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

in cahoots

What I imagined was a shared space, something that would write itself with the experiences and thoughts of a collective. But I never said bienvenido. Here it is; I'm not trying to evade responsibility for writing regularly (ehem, a wee fib).

But more than genuinely, this is shared tierra -

How? Email me and I'll publish it to the blog, or post a comment and I'll publish it on the main page. Easy, shared, no fibbing from now on.